Fitness: An Inconvenient Truth.

Ask any person if they are seekers of truth and they will most likely say yes. They’ll say yes even though they may not even know what saying yes implies because saying ”no” implies you are a seeker of lies and nobody likes a liar. As I’ve said before, truth needs no defense. It needs no defense because its very existence confirms it. We are living in interesting times nowadays and many things are revealing themselves for what they are. In fitness and health, as of this moment we are witnessing influential people and organizations pedal the idea that health and fitness is whatever you want it to be. So now, what is the inconvenient truth in something like fitness? 

First, I’ll give you my personal definition of fitness and you can decide for yourself if that also fits your perspective. If it doesn’t, you should consider whether reading this post is worth your time since it is centered around my opinion. Or you can insert your own views on the topic and go from there. To me, fitness is a balance of health and possessing the ability to use your body effectively through purposeful and intentional exercise. In other words, someone who I’d consider fit is someone who is healthy and able to perform a wide variety of exercises skillfully. 

This is the inconvenient truth of fitness. Fitness is in everyone’s reach but not attainable for everyone. Why? Achieving fitness requires responsibility, dedication, and consistency. Mostly all of us lack at least one or all three characteristics. I believe there’s a reason for us not being able to achieve true fitness and amongst these reasons is my belief that we no longer want to go through the process of things and endure the ”growing pains” that come with anything meaningful and worthwhile. We now live in a world (for better or for worse) that offers everything and anything hassle free and instantly. Our internet is incredibly fast. Entire meals served in a couple minutes. Money earned without having to actually earn it. Treating a symptom instead of the cause. The list goes on. For many of us, the same advancements we have in our society are becoming our degradation. The many luxuries of our lives (some unnecessary) are increasingly turning us into dependent dummies who still try and flick a light switch on during a power outage and expect there to be light. Fitness is not a good or service. Uber can’t drop off a package of fitness for you and Amazon can’t fly a drone over your house with it either. You can get a surgical procedure and appear to look ”fit” but deep inside you know you only treated a symptom and not the cause. There’s no short cut to fitness and that turns many people away. The thought of training your body consistently throughout the week, enduring hard ass work, making time for the gym, saying no to certain foods, is a drag to people. We forgot what it’s like to temporarily suffer in order to reap the benefits later on in life. We want to live in a world where all our issues are taken care of by someone or something else. 

That is why many people will never achieve fitness. We aren’t taking control and responsibility for our choices. It’s not because there aren’t any good gyms or good coaches in your area. The best gym or best coach won’t make a difference if you aren’t willing to commit to the grind. If you find yourself constantly blaming others for your lack of success perhaps its time for some self-evaluation. Fitness is not a low hanging fruit. Liars and people who want to exploit you will try and say otherwise. 

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